In addition to the sample macros you will find in recent Uniterm documents in versions (2.0d and later), I have included here three macros I have used for a long time to do auto-dialing on BBS's. Before I removed phone numbers, system prompts and responses, and login names and passwords, these macros and all their features were known to work well and perform all the claimed functions. Unfortunately, when this information is removed, the macros will no longer work. Also, by their nature each person's system, modem, desired features, etc. will be different. Within the constraints of the maximum 4k file size of these macros for Uniterm 2.0d and later, I have included all the comments I could to explain what I was doing. I'm sorry if some of these comments appear quite cryptic. To use these macros, you must put them in a word processor that will write them to an ASCII file with no control codes. Make sure you name the files the same names you intend to use in the Auto-dialer, Function Keys, or other macro you call them from. When you see "loadsetup" near the beginning of each file, you are to enter in the blank space following the name of the setup file you want to use when this BBS is called. Inspect closely the codes sent to the modem to control its features. Although my modem is an Atari Hayes compatible, these will most likely have to be changed or removed for your equipment and are included as examples. When these macros are called, they must be in the default directory that Uniterm is run from. You can use the command: path('C:') in the auto-load macro or: %path('C:') on a function key to change the default directory to a "C" ramdisk (as I do) for example. If you do this, make sure all other files such as setup files are there also or you will have to switch directories back and forth at the proper times. I will also apologize here for the convoluted code. I'm not a programer although I enjoyed mastering this editor without much help from the documentation and poor examples (parts of which don't appear to work). You will see some labels out of order and probable to expert eyes, some wasted code. I have added features to these macros as they grew on me but didn't always renumber lines. If nothing else, these should get you further down the learning curve than the original documentation got me. I played with these for 2 years before I got Uniterm's editor to work properly for me. The three files here: BBSDIAL.MAC This is a generic auto-login with re-dial that is prompted for the user to enter the number of times re-dials will be attempted after the first dial fails. This is the simplest of the three files. Listed here is a copy of the file as reference. I may include additional comments in brackets "[ ]" here that are not permitted in the macros that you can run. I have also filled some of the blank entry lines with X's or examples that will not work if you try to run the macros by removing them from this file. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>START EXAMPLE ONE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # This is a general purpose BBS auto-dial. Edit modem codes, login, and setup # files for your purposes. Remember...macro must not exceed 4k, speed of code # transmission is determined by transfer rate in ASCII transfer menu. # Control-C can abort between commands. me('Loading Uniterm set up File') w(10) loadsetup('uniterm.set') w(10) [THIS IS THE DEFAULT SETUP] # Following are modem codes: se('atz\r\n') w(10) se('ats7=17\r\n') w(10) se('atx4\r\n') # This macro will redial w/prompt for retry number. me('Dialing MY FAVORITE BBS. Will re-dial w/prompt for retries') w(10) se('atdt9990000\r\n') w(05) set(1,1) set(2,0) # Following is looking for first message from online to respond to. if(!get('CONNECT',21)) ju(1) [IF YOUR MODEM DISPLAYS THIS MESSAGE UPON CONFIRMING CONNECTION. IF NOT, YOU MAY WANT TO USE THE FIRST SYSTEM PROMPT YOU GET] :7 # Put log-on codes here. Put prompt text in "get", response in "send". ge('HIT RETURN',10) w(05) se('\R\N') ge('YOUR NAME',10) me('YOU MIGHT HAVE TO WAIT HERE') w(05) se('MARY OR TOM') ge('Enter ID Number',15) w(20) se('9999999\r\n') ge('Enter Your Password:',15) w(05) se('ZXZXZ\r\n') #Start history and exit. [WHEN THE LAST LOGIN PROMPT IS SATISFIED, THE SCREEN HISTORY IS TURNED ON AND THE MACRO ENDS YOU CAN CONTINUE AT THIS POINT WITH YOU FIRST MENU SELECTIONS AND AUTO DOWNLOADS OR MESSAGE BASE SCANS HERE. I ALWAYS DO THIS MANUALLY BECAUSE I NEVER DO IT THE SAME] history(1) me('History recording is ON') w(20) exit(0) :1 # 1st fail and re-dial message. [THIS IN INVOKED WHEN "CONNECT" FAILS] ec('\r\n') ec('Failed!\r\n') w(05) if(!input('Retries? Enter #1-?+Ret. or Cancel')) ec('Quit!\n') exit(0) # Check to see if $T is "0". Yes=quit, No=go on. if(com($T,'0')) ec('Quit. FINISHED!\r\n') exit(0) # Use # in $T to set re-try counter. set(1,.$T) # place number in "Wait" command 3 seconds less than re-dial timeout. me('Re-dial in 30 seconds.') w(270) [I DO THIS BECAUSE OF MY 3 SECOND ALT-C ABORT MESSAGE] (*) :2 # Re-dial count, display, and check follows: @1= retry countdown @2=retry# # "$T"=current retry display count. # Display total remaining user re-tries on next line: ec("@1) ec(' re-dial remains:\r\n') w(05) set(1,add(@1,-1)) set(2,add(@2,1)) con('RETRY# ',"@2') ec($T) ec('\r\n') me('Re-dialing MY FAVORITE BBS. Cntrl-C aborts. NOW!') w(30) (*) me('Dialing...') send('atdt \r\n') [PUT THE SAME NUMBER HERE AS ABOVE] # Timeout for re-dial and success/fail. "ju(4)"=fail if(!ge('CONNECT',21)) ec('\r\n') ju(4) # If success, will return to log-in code near beginning. ju(7) :4 # Look for count in @1 for "0". If not, re-dial. # If so, prompt for more retries. if(com("@1','0')) ca(5) # Failed and redial message for all until last prompt. ec('Failed!\r\n') w(10) se('\n') me('Re-dial in 30 sec.') w(270) ju(2) :5 # Prompt to try again or stop and end macro. ec('Failed! More retries?\r\n') w(05) se('\n') # User clicks "OK" will loop re-dial routine. # Prompt for re-try #. "set" for variable int. @1 to # entered by user. # If "cancel is clicked, message, and end. if(input('Retries failed. Try again? Enter #- RET.')) ju(6) [THIS IS WERE THE USE GETS TO TELL THE MACRO HOW MANY TIMES TO RE-DIAL THE BBS OR CANCEL AND END THE MACRO] ec('ALL RETRIES FAILED! FINISHED.\r\n') w(10) exit(0) :6 # Check to see if $T is "0". Yes=quit, No=go on. if(com($T,'0')) ec('Quit. FINISHED!\r\n') exit(0) # Make "set" for variable "@1" user number. w(05) set(1,.$T) ju(2) [REMEMBER THIS MACRO WILL NOT RUN AS IS] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>END EXAMPLE ONE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< GENIEX.MAC This is the macro I use to dial and log on to GEnie with Uniterm. Less editing will be needed here as my prompts will be similar to yours. Remember you can use function keys to call macros to do the complicated message, file, and mail tasks on GEnie. I most often use the function keys to send the one letter or word commands I use most often. I have one function key that calls a macro that displays a section of character faces for me to select from to send at frivolous moments. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>START EXAMPLE TWO<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< #This macro will load a customized GEnie set-up file and dial w/login. #Be sure control codes sent to modem are correct for your equipment. me('Setting modem echo to OFF,timeout to 17 sec.') w(20) se('atz\r\n') w(10) se('ate0\r\n') w(10) se('ats7=17\r\n') w(10) me('Loading GEnie set-up file') w(05) Loadsetup('genie.set') #This macro will redial w/prompt for retry number. me('Dialing GEnie BBS. Will re-dial w/prompt for retries') w(20) #The following code contains the phone number and sets re-dial countdown: se('atdt \r\n') w(05) set(1,1) set(2,0) #Following looking for first message from online to respond to: if(!get('CONNECT',20)) ca(1) #Put log-on codes here. W(10) se('h') w(05) se('h') w(05) se('h\n') get('U#=',10) w(10) send(' , \r\n') w(10) #Start history and end macro. history(1) me('History recording is on') w(20) exit(0) :1 #1st fail and re-dial message. ec('Failed!\r\n') w(05) se('\n') #If # and OK, go on (User enters num. of times to re-dial). If Cancel, exit. if(!input('Retries? Enter #1-?+Ret. or Cancel')) ec('Quit!\n') exit(0) #Check to see if $T is "0". Yes=quit, No=go on. if(com($T,'0')) ec('Quit. FINISHED!\r\n') exit(0) #Use # in $T to set re-try counter. set(1,.$T) #Place number in "Wait" command 3 seconds less than re-dial timeout. me('Re-dial in 30 seconds.') w(270) :2 #Re-dial count, display, and check follows: @1= retry countdown @2=retry#, #"$T"=current re-try display count. #Display total remaining user re-tries on next line: ec("@1) ec(' re-dial remains:\n') w(05) set(1,add(@1,-1)) set(2,add(@2,1)) con('RETRY# ',"@2') ec($T) ec('\r\n') mess('Re-dialing GEnie BBS. Cntrl-C aborts. NOW!') w(30) me('Dialing...') send('atdt \r\n') #Timeout for re-dial and success/fail. "ju(4)"=fail if(!ge('CONNECT',35)) ju(4) #If success, will return to log-in code near beginning. return( ) :4 #Look for count in @1 for "0". If not, re-dial. #If so, prompt for more retries. if(com("@1','0')) ju(5) #Failed and redial message for all until last prompt. ec('Failed!\r\n') w(10) se('\n') me('Re-dial in 30 sec.') w(270) ju(2) :5 #Prompt to try again or stop and end macro. ec('Failed! More retries?\r\n') w(05) se('\n') #User clicks "OK", will loop re-dial routine. #Prompt for re-try #. "set" for variable int. @1 to # entered by user. #If "Cancel" is clicked, message, and end. if(input('Retries failed. Try again? Enter#1-?')) ju(6) ec('ALL RETRIES FAILED! FINISHED.\r\n') w(10) exit(0) :6 #Check to see if $T is "0". Yes=quit, No=go on. if(com($T,'0')) ec('Quit. FINISHED!\n') exit(0) #Make "set" for variable "@1" user number. w(05) set(1,.$T) ju(2) [REMEMBER THIS MACRO WILL NOT RUN AS IS] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>END EXAMPLE TWO<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< MLTIDIAL.MAC This is the most complicated of the three because I use it to dial through each number of a multi-line BBS to direct access those lines. The board that I call with this particular macro also happens to have the nasty attribute of being a Unix based system that cannot get the baud rate from the modem report, but must "learn" it from sampling a series of carriage returns. Also Unix doesn't like line feeds. If these features help you with problems similar the the ones I've had with these boards, it's good that I left them in here. If not, all the associated code will have to be removed and replaced with the logon sequence that is appropriate for your needs. When I use this with Unix I also make sure carriage returns do not include line feeds in the "Terminal 1" perameter menu of the setup file that is loaded in. If you use this to access multi-line systems and don't need to call as many lines, delete the "Dialing Port X" lines from the bottom up until you have the total number of lines you want to access. You will also have to edit the "set" number in the fourth line of label #5 to one number greater than the total number of different phone numbers. Also "set" in line seven near the beginning of the file to the same number of different numbers. The number in the "ATDT" command in line seven must be the same as the first line of the multiple number list. I know you expert programmers will cringe as all this but I've made my excuses. This could save the average person hours of experimenting as I have. Note: You may have noticed in most of these commands that I've abbreviated the commands to only a couple of letters to save file space. This may be confusing to those who are not familiar with the words these letters represent. I suggest you have a print out of the Uniterm macro editor file in the Uniterm documentation to refer to while de-ciphering these files. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # This macro will dial multiple numbers for multi-line BBS's and # prompt for re-tries. Edit modem codes, login, and setup file names. me('Loading BBS set-up file') w(05) loadsetup(' .set') w(05) se('atz\r\n') w(10) se('ats7=17\r\n') w(10) se('atx4\r\n') w(10) me('Dialing BBS. Will re-dial w/# cycle') # Set 1 must be equal to entries in redial list. Dial and login follows: se('atdt \r\n') w(05) set(1,8) set(2,0) set(3,0) # If "CONNECT", 3 Crs and log in. If not, "FAILED!" + re-dial. if(!get('CONNECT',20)) ju(1) :7 # Put login code here. Carriage returns, no line feeds for Unix. # Edit codes for your purposes. # Send up to 8 Cr's, hangup, try next #. If ok, login. ec('\r\nSending carriage returns...\r\n') w(50) ec('1\r\n') se('\r') w(40) ec('2\r\n') se('\r') ec('Should get system message here. If not, more Cr`s\r\n') if(!ge('login:',04)) ec('3\r\n') se('\r') if(!ge('login:',04)) ju(9) :8 # Name here if connect is successful and get 1st prompt. w(05) se(' \r') # Password code here ge('Your password:',60) w(05) se(' \r') # login is successful and screen history is turned on. End macro. history(1) me('History recording is on') w(20) exit(0) :1 # If @1 is "0", jump to (5), prompt for re-tries. Otherwise, dial alts. if(!or(@1,0)) Ju(5) # Fail and re-dial timeout. if(com('1',"@3')) me('Will dial in 30 seconds.') w(270) ju(2) ec('Failed!\r\n') ec('\n') me('Re-dial in 15 seconds.') w(120) :2 # Re-dial count, display, and check follows: @1= retry countdown @2=retry# set(1,add(@1,-1)) set(2,add(@2,1)) con('RETRY# ',"@2') ec($T) ec('\r\n') :3 # Re-dial with 7 alternate numbers: # First time, 1st # (8) is skipped so num. in top row should be same as # num. already dialed above. # #s must be in order bottom-to-top with '1' in bottom "com" argument. me('Re-dialing Eskimo N. BBS. Cntrl-C aborts. NOW!') w(30) if(com("@1','8')) me('Dialing port 1') se('atdt \r\n') if(com("@1','7')) me('Dialing port 2') se('atdt \r\n') if(com("@1','6')) me('Dialing port 3') se('atdt \r\n') if(com("@1','5')) me('Dialing port 4') se('atdt \r\n') if(com("@1','4')) me('Dialing port 5') se('atdt \r\n') if(com("@1','3')) me('Dialing port 6') se('atdt \r\n') if(com("@1','2')) me('Dialing port 7') se('atdt \r\n') if(com("@1','1')) me('Dialing port 8') se('atdt \r\n') # If no "CONNECT", check count, and re-dial. If yes, return to login. if(get('CONNECT',20)) ju(7) :4 # Check if @1 = "1". If so, prompt to re-try or quit. If not, re-dial. if(com("@1,'1')) ju(5) ec('\nFailed!\r\n') w(10) me('Re-dial in 15 sec.') w(120) ju(2) :5 # Prompt to try again or end macro. ec('Failed! More retries?\r\n') w(05) # Set @1 must be one more than # of re-dial entries in list. if(input('All Failed. Try Again? OK or Cancel')) set(1,9) ju(2) ec('FINISHED.\r\n') w(10) exit(0) :6 # If no response after connect, "FAILED!", hangup, dial next #. ec('No Response. Will hangup!\r\n') w(20) drop( ) w(05) assert( ) w(05) # Check if @1 = "1". Yes, prompt to re-try or quit. No, re-dial. if(com("@1,'1')) ju(5) ec('\r\n') ju(1) :9 # Send more Cr's and check for response. May have to edit prompts. ec('4\r\n') set(3,0) se('\r') if(!ge('login:',04)) ec('5\r\n') se('\r') if(!ge('login:',04)) ju(10) ju(8) :10 ec('6\r\n') se('\r') if(!ge('login:',04)) ec('7\r\n') se('\r') if(!ge('login:',04)) ju(11) ju(8) :11 se('\r') ec('Sent 8th Carriage Return. Hangup if no go.\r\n') # Set #3 changes 20 sec. timeout to 30. Ju(6)=hang+dial next. (8)=login if(!ge('login:',04)) set(3,1) ju(6) ju(8) [REMEMBER THIS MACRO WILL NOT RUN AS IS] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>END EXAMPLE THREE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< I will be happy to answer any questions you have concerning these examples of anything else I've learned about Uniterm. I think it's the best PD terminal emulator for the ST and beats most made for any other computer. Paul Varn GEnie: pvarn 2/18/90 ---------------------------- END FILE ----------------------------